The Vivo Y58 5G will debut in India on June 20. If we look at the teaser image released by the brand, the upcoming phone will come in two colour options with a dual rear camera setup. It appears to have a circular-shaped camera setup housing an LED flash along with a ring flash — similar to what we saw on the Vivo Y200t. The colour variants also resemble the Aurora (black) and Qingshan (blue) shades of
Vivo Y200t.
The Vivo Y200t was launched in China in May with a starting price tag of CNY 1,199 (roughly Rs. 13,000) for the 8GB + 128GB version.
Vivo Y58 5G is set to launch in India later this week, Vivo confirmed in a media invite on Monday (June 17). The upcoming Vivo Y series smartphone is teased to be available in two colour options. It has a circular rear camera module comprising two camera sensors. The Vivo Y58 5G is expected to run on the Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 SoC. It is said to feature a 120Hz refresh rate display and house a 6,000mAh battery with 44W fast charging support.