Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra might soon be available in a new colourway. The South Korean tech brand is hinting at the arrival of a new colour variant through cryptic social media posts. The flagship handset debuted in January alongside the Galaxy S24 and Galaxy S24+ in Titanium Gray, Titanium Black, Titanium Violet, and Titanium Yellow shades. It is available in three additional online exclusive shades as well. It has a Titanium chassis and is powered by a custom version of the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC.
Cryptic social media posts from Samsung hint that the brand is looking to refresh its Galaxy S24 Ultra with a NEW splash of colour. The posts come with the tagline "Epic shade on its way" pointing at the arrival of a new shade. They highlight the hue of the sunflower leading to speculation that the Galaxy S24 Ultra will be made available in a yellow shade. It might be a sign of the new colourway of Galaxy S24 or Galaxy S24+