If you already have an Android Studio build on the Stable channel, you can get the update by clicking Help > Check for Update (Android Studio > Check for Updates on macOS). Otherwise, you can download it here.
General fixes and features
The following is list of general fixes in Android Studio Chipmunk Patch 1. These are a result of your bug reports, which help us to make Android Studio better. If you encounter a problem, let us know by reporting a bug. You can also vote for an existing issue to indicate that it also affects you.
Android App Bundles
- Issue #230361284: bundletool does not package baseline profiles correctly
Dexer (D8)
- Issue #218298666: Art / Dalvik VMs prior to version 8 does not support the fix for JDK-8272564
- Issue #225751091: File watcher failed to start on Ubuntu 20.04
- Issue #206465485: MBP 15" 2018 Touch Bar menu is missed.
- Issue #232134751: Devices option is not visible and unable to run the app even though app module is available.
Shrinker (R8)
- Issue #228791247: Why does R8 doesn't backport default interface methods but D8 does?
- Issue #218400336: CIRCULAR REFERENCE: com.android.tools.r8.internal.R10: Unexpected type in conversion to primitive: OBJECT